§ 6.04.08. Impoundment; adoption.  

Latest version.
  • A.



    Any animal at large or otherwise in violation of the provisions of this Code may be impounded in the animal shelter in a humane manner for a period of not less than five business days; and if within such time, an animal so impounded has not been reclaimed by its owner in accordance with the provisions of this Code, such animal shall become the absolute property of the animal control authority, which may convey ownership of such animal to any responsible person, on such conditions as the animal control authority may prescribe, or the animal control authority may humanely destroy such animal.


    The animal control authority shall make a reasonable effort to notify the owner of any animal impounded in the animal shelter that the animal has been impounded, of the manner by which the animal may be reclaimed and that the animal may be destroyed or become the property of the animal control authority as provided herein.


    Prior to destruction of an animal at large which carries its owner's address and which is impounded in the animal shelter, the animal control authority shall give the owner five days notice of the proposed destruction by certified letter, return receipt requested.


    Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the animal control authority may refuse to release any animal impounded in the animal shelter for rabies or contagious disease quarantine or for use as evidence in a criminal prosecution, for such time period as the animal control authority may determine.


    Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the animal control authority may humanely destroy any animal impounded in the animal shelter upon the written opinion of a licensed veterinarian that destruction of the animal is necessary to prevent disease or injury to other animals or to humans due to overcrowding in the animal shelter, the presence or threatened presence of contagious disease, or any other condition.


    Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, the animal control authority may humanely destroy any animal impounded in the animal shelter when the animal control authority reasonably believes the animal has sustained an injury or disease which will likely result in maiming, prolonged and severe suffering, or death.


    Reclaiming impounded animals.


    The owner of an animal impounded in the animal shelter may reclaim the animal upon presenting evidence satisfactory to the animal control authority of compliance with all provisions of this code, and upon payment of fees and charges as hereinafter provided, credited to the account of the animal control authority, and shall not be in lieu of any fine or penalty otherwise provided by law.


    Fees for reclaiming impounded animals are as follows:


    Licensed and vaccinated animals that have been either neutered or sterilized:

    First offense ..... $0.00 (just daily boarding fees)

    Second offense ..... $15.00

    Third offense ..... $30.00

    Subsequent offense ..... $60.00


    Licensed and vaccinated animals that have not been neutered or sterilized:

    First offense ..... $15.00

    Second offense ..... $50.00

    Third offense ..... $100.00

    Subsequent offense ..... $150.00


    Un-licensed or unvaccinated animals:

    First offense ..... $20.00

    Second offense ..... $60.00

    Third offense ..... $110.00

    Subsequent offense ..... $160.00


    Animals impounded for rabies quarantine or for use as evidence in a criminal prosecution, $10.00 per day.


    In addition to the foregoing fees, the per day board for each day the animal is impounded in the animal shelter is $2.00.


    The owner of an animal impounded in the animal shelter shall be liable for the foregoing fees and charges, notwithstanding the destruction or adoption of the animal.




    The animal control authority may convey ownership (permit adoption of) any animal which has become the property of the animal control authority to a responsible person subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the animal control authority, including, without limitation, the following:


    Payment of a ten dollar ($10.00) adoption fee and any vaccination, licensing or veterinary costs; and


    Evidence satisfactory to the animal control authority that the animal has, or will be, examined by a veterinarian and vaccinations against rabies and other disease administered.


    Evidence satisfactory to the animal control authority that the animal has, or will be, neutered or spayed within thirty (30) days of adoption.

( Ord. No. 99-8, § 8 )