§ 6.04.05. Wild animals  

Latest version.
  • A.



    No person may own, possess or have custody of any wild animal, unless that person obtains a permit from the animal control authority as provided herein.


    No person may sponsor, promote or train a wild animal to participate in, contribute to the involvement of a wild animal in, or attend as a spectator in any activity or event in which any wild animal engage in unnatural behavior or is wrestled, fought, mentally or physically harassed, or displayed in such a way that the animal is abused or stressed mentally or physically. This prohibition applies to events and activities taking place in either public or private facilities or property, and applies regardless of the purpose of the event or activities, irrespective of whether or not a fee is charged to spectators and regardless of whether or not a permit to own, possess or have custody of a wild animal has been issued as provided herein.




    The animal control authority shall enforce the provisions of this article and is authorized to issue permits for the ownership, possession or custody of wild animals in accordance herewith.


    The animal control authority shall make investigations or inspections to determine whether any permit holder has violated or is violating any provisions hereof or any regulation issued hereunder, and for such purposes the animal control authority shall, at all reasonable times, have access to all facilities where wild animals are held pursuant to permits issued hereunder. The animal control authority is specifically authorized and directed to make random and unannounced inspections of such facilities at any reasonable time.


    The city animal control and adoption center shall adopt rules and regulations prescribing standards for the humane handling, care, treatment and transportation of wild animals, including the standards by which the animal control authority shall determine whether to issue a permit as provided for herein.




    Any person applying for a permit to own, possess or have custody of a wild animal must demonstrate to the animal control authority that the applicant will be able to comply with the standards adopted by the city animal control and adoption center.


    Each application for issuance of a permit hereunder shall be accompanied by a fee in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00).


    Each permit issued hereunder shall be effective for a period of one-year and must be renewed by re-application as provided for herein, together with payment of the application fee.


    Notice required. Any animal establishment offering a wild animal for sale shall post conspicuously at the place of sale or display a copy of this article and a copy of the roles and regulations adopted pursuant hereto by the city animal control and adoption center.


    Impoundment and disposal. The animal control authority is empowered to impound any wild animal being kept, harbored or maintained in violation of this code or of roles and regulations adopted by the city animal control and adoption center, and upon conviction of the owner or any other person for violation hereof, the animal control authority may humanely destroy or otherwise dispose of such wild animal, including but not-limited to, donating and transferring ownership of such wild animal to a zoo or other facility deemed appropriate by the city animal control and adoption center.

( Ord. No. 99-8, § 5 )