§ 11.24.11. Judicial condemnation, penalty, previous sections applicable.  

Latest version.
  • In the event it is deemed advisable by the city council that a particular house, building and/or structure be judicially declared to be a nuisance by a court having jurisdiction of such matters, the city council is hereby authorized to employ an attorney to bring such an action for said purpose in the name of the city, and the only notice to be given to the owner or owners of any such house, building and/or structure sought to be judicially declared to be a nuisance will be that as now provided for by law in such cases in a court of equity or chancery court. When any such house, building and/or structure has been declared judicially to be a nuisance by a court of competent jurisdiction, a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00) is hereby imposed against the owner or owners thereof from the date said finding is made by the court and for each day thereafter said nuisance be not abated constitutes a separate and distinct offense punishable by a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each separate and distinct offense. In the event the owner or owners of any such house, building and/or structure judicially found to be a nuisance fails or refuses to abide by the orders of the court, the building inspector/code enforcer or any other person or persons referred to in section 11.24.07 will take such action as provided in section 11.24.07, and section 11.24.08 will be applicable to such owner or owners. The provisions contained in the immediately preceding sentences apply independently of any action as may be taken by the court judicially declaring the nuisance.

( Ord. No. 2002-11, § 11 )