§ 10.16.02. General provisions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Introduction and findings. The city council finds that uncontrolled stormwater runoff from developed land adversely affects the public health, safety and welfare because:


    Impervious surfaces increase the quantity and velocity of surface runoff, which reduces percolation of water through soil and increases erosion and flooding;


    Improper stormwater collection and conveyance adversely affects property and increases the incidence and severity of flooding, which can endanger property and human life;


    Increased erosion leads to sedimentation in stormwater management systems, which decreases the system's capacity; and


    Many future problems can be avoided if land is developed in accordance with sound stormwater runoff management practices.




    The purpose of this chapter is to set forth the minimum requirements for construction site erosion control and stormwater management associated with both future land development and existing developed land within the city. These requirements will diminish threats to public health, safety, public and private property and natural resources of the city by establishing performance standards that will help to:


    Protect life and property from dangers associated with flooding;


    Protect property from damage resulting from runoff or erosion;


    Ensure the annual runoff rates and volumes from post development site conditions mimic the annual runoff rates and volumes from pre-development site conditions;


    Promote regional stormwater management by watershed;


    Provide a single, consistent set of performance standards that apply to all developments;


    Protect water quality from nutrients, pathogens, toxic matters, debris and other contaminants;


    Protect water quality from nutrients, pathogens, toxic matters, debris and other contaminants;


    Promote infiltration and groundwater recharge;


    Provide a vegetated corridor (buffer) to protect water resources from development;


    Protect functional values of natural water courses and wetlands;


    Provide plant and animal habitat and support riparian ecosystems;


    Minimize sedimentation to the water resources of the city;


    Protect functional values of natural water courses and wetlands;


    Protect property from damage resulting from runoff or erosion;


    Control soil erosion and sedimentation to minimize soil deposition in streams and other receiving water bodies and storm drainage systems;


    Require implementation of best management practices to minimize the discharge of chemicals and other illicit discharges and pollutants, either directly or indirectly into the streams, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water, and into the city's drainage infrastructure; and


    Assure the city is and will remain in compliance with federal and state law.


    The application of this chapter and the provisions expressed herein shall be the minimum stormwater management requirements and shall not be deemed a limitation or repeal of any other powers granted by state statutes. In addition, if site characteristics indicate that complying with these minimum requirements will not provide adequate designs or protection for local property or residents, it is the designer's responsibility to exceed the minimum requirements as necessary.


    Enforcement and administration of this chapter shall be the responsibility of such office(s) or officer(s) as designated by the mayor, hereinafter termed administrative authority. The administrative authority may appoint such inspectors and assistants as necessary to assist in the performance of these duties. The administrative authority shall also be responsible to address other stormwater issues as they relate to the city's compliance with its small MS4 storm water permit as issued by ADEQ to the city.

( Ord. No. 2011-28, § 1 )