§ 10.08.05. Water rates.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Except for water furnished through fire sprinkler systems, all water furnished by the city municipal water and sewer system shall be measured through meters. The size of each meter shall be not less than 5/8 -inch and not more than six inches, as determined by the manager of the system on the basis of his estimate of the amount of water to be used for the premises. Each water customer shall pay a monthly charge for water as follows.



    Water rates for 2015. For water service billed by the city after January 1, 2015, the amount paid by each customer shall be computed on the basis of the following schedule of rates:

    For the first two thousand (2,000) gallons of water consumption per month or portion thereof:

    Meter Size Minimum Charge
    5/8 " $ 11.08
    ¾" $ 11.08
    1" $ 16.62
    1½" $ 27.70
    2" $ 55.40
    3" $ 88.64
    4" $166.20
    6" $554.00


    All consumption in excess of two thousand (2,000) gallons: $0.519 per one hundred (100) gallons.


    Water rates for 2016. For water service billed by the city after January 1, 2016, the amount paid by each customer shall be computed on the basis of the following schedule of rates:

    For the first two thousand (2,000) gallons of water consumption per month or portion thereof:

    Meter Size Minimum Charge
    5/8 " $ 11.14
    ¾" $ 11.14
    1" $ 16.71
    1½" $ 27.85
    2" $ 55.70
    3" $ 89.12
    4" $167.10
    6" $557.00


    All consumption in excess of two thousand (2,000) gallons: $0.525 per one hundred (100) gallons.


    Water rates for 2017. For water service billed by the city after January 1, 2017, the amount paid by each customer shall be computed on the basis of the following schedule of rates:

    For the first two thousand (2,000) gallons of water consumption per month or portion thereof:

    Meter Size Minimum Charge
    5/8 " $ 11.34
    ¾" $ 11.34
    1" $ 17.01
    1½" $ 28.35
    2" $ 56.70
    3" $ 90.72
    4" $170.10
    6" $567.00


    All consumption in excess of two thousand (2,000) gallons: $0.545 per one hundred (100) gallons.


    Water rates for 2018—2020. For water service billed by the city after March 1, 2018 the amount paid by each customer shall be computed on the basis of the following schedule of rates:

    For the first two thousand (2,000) gallons of water consumption per month or portion thereof:

    Meter Size Minimum Charge
    5/8 " $ 11.96
    ¾" $ 11.96
    1" $ 17.95
    1½" $ 29.91
    2" $ 59.82
    3" $ 95.71
    4" $179.46
    6" $598.19


    All consumption in excess of 2,000 gallons: $0.575 per one hundred (100) gallons.


    Non-resident customers. Customers receiving water services to locations outside of city limits will be charged double the prevailing minimum charge for water consumption.


    Senior citizen discounts. Each customer sixty-five (65) years and older, with verification of age, shall receive a senior citizen discount of three dollars and forty-nine cents ($3.49), which shall be deducted from the monthly water bill.


    Pass-through charges for purchases from secondary water providers. If the city determines that it is necessary to purchase from any secondary water provider, customers will be charged an additional surcharge of four cents ($0.04) per one hundred (100) gallons of water consumption, in addition to the then-prevailing water rates, for the month in which the city purchases from said secondary provider.


    Rate review.


    On or before August 30, 2018, the city shall review the rates set forth in subsection B. above to ensure that such rates will produce revenues sufficient to pay debt service on outstanding bonds secured by water and sewer revenues ("system bonds"), provide an adequate depreciation fund, pay the costs of operating and maintaining the system and meet any required bond covenants for the next ensuing fiscal year.


    On or before August 30, 2019, the city shall review the rates set forth in subsection B. above to ensure that such rates will produce revenues sufficient to pay debt service on outstanding bonds secured by water and sewer revenues ("system bonds"), provide an adequate depreciation fund, pay the costs of operating and maintaining the system and meet any required bond covenants for the next ensuing fiscal year.


    On or before August 30, 2020, the city shall review the rates set forth in subsection B. above to ensure that such rates will produce revenues sufficient to pay debt service on outstanding bonds secured by water and sewer revenues ("system bonds"), provide an adequate depreciation fund, pay the costs of operating and maintaining the system and meet any required bond covenants for the next ensuing fiscal year.


    The city, on or before August 30 of each year that an engineer is not engaged pursuant to subsection 3. above, shall review the then current water and sewer rates to determine whether any rate increases are necessary to produce revenues sufficient to pay debt service on outstanding system bonds, provide an adequate depreciation fund, pay the costs of operating and maintaining the system and meet any required bond covenants for the next ensuing fiscal year.


    Charges required. None of the water services afforded by the system shall be furnished without a charge being made therefor. Any multi-unit that has installed a master meter will pay the minimum charge on each unit plus usage shown on the master meter.


    [ Reserved. ]


    Water impact fees.


    Procedure. A professional consultant/engineer shall determine the amount of the water impact fees for residential uses based on the type or size of the water meter uses based on the size of the water meter using the following schedule:

    Meter Size Anticipated
    Number of Meters
    Based on Current
    Meter Size
    Impact Fee Projected Water
    Impact Fee
    5/8 and ¾" 8350 $600.00 $5,010,000.00
    1" 357 $1,648.00 $588,336.00
    1½" 32 $3,296.00 $105,472.00
    2" 73 $5,274.00 $384,973.00
    3" 14 $9,888.00 $138,432.00
    4" 0 $20,600.00 $0.00
    6" 1 $49,440.00 $49,440.00
    8" 0 $61,800.00 $0.00
    10" 0 $82,400.00 $0.00
    9038 $6,276,653.00



    In the event of a redevelopment, reconstruction or change of use from an existing development or use, the fee shall be the difference between what the fee would be for the entire redevelopment or reconstruction project and what the fee would have been for the existing development or use. Existing development must be connected to the water system at the time of redevelopment in order to apply this credit.


    In the event that a water master meter is utilized for any development including multi-family or mixed use, the fee shall be based on the master meter size.


    Statement. The impact fees collected pursuant to this chapter will be used for capital improvements to the city's water system, including but not limited to the construction of new facilities for the operation of said system.


    Fees collected. Water impact fees shall be paid at the time of installation of the water meter serving the property. Development projects which have obtained building permits prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this section is derived shall not have to pay the increased impact fees if the building is completed with water is installed and certificate of occupancy issued no later than six months from the effective date of the ordinance from which this section is derived.


    Service. To provide the citizens of the city with a safe and pleasant source of drinking water and to serve the health and well-being of the community while maintaining a sound distribution system. To provide adequate amounts of water and pressure under normal operating conditions as well as during times of emergencies, such as fires and to improve the quality of life through professionalism, integrity, and fairness.

    Water supply allocation and/or acquisition to include appropriate and necessary distribution and delivery systems or facilities as needed to provide for customers and further implement the city's long-term master plan as existing and as may be revised.


    Calculation of formula. The actual formula or formulas for assessing the impact fee, which is consistent with the level of service standards, was calculated as follows:

    Based on the cumulative total of expected costs divided by the estimated number of new customers from the two-year water master plan adjusting for water capacity demands by meter size. See attachment No. 1 of the ordinance from which this section is derived.




    The city shall refund the portion of collected water impact fees, including the accrued interest that has not been expended seven years from the date the fees were paid. Interest shall be based on a one-quarter percent annual rate.


    A refund shall be paid to the present owner of the property that was the subject of new development and against which the fee was assessed and collected.


    Notice of the right to a refund, including the amount of the refund and the procedure for applying for and receiving the refund, shall be sent or served in writing to the present owners of the property no later than thirty (30) days after the date which the refund becomes due. The sending by regular mail of the notices to all present owners of record shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirement of notice.


    The refund shall be made on a pro rata basis, and shall be paid in full no later than ninety (90) days after the date certain upon which the refund becomes due.


    At the time of payment of the water or wastewater impact fee under this chapter, the city shall provide the applicant paying such fee with written notice of those circumstances under which refunds of such fees will be made. Failure to deliver such written notice shall not invalidate the collection of any impact fee under this chapter.


    Water connection fees. The connection charge for water meters shall be:

    Meter Size Meter Set and Tap Meter Set Only
    5/8 " $685.00 $245.00
    ¾" $685.00 $280.00
    1" $765.00 $311.00
    1"—1.5" $1,665.00 $934.00
    2" $4,765.00 $1,545.00
    3" $5,000.00 Individually priced*
    4" $5,500.00 Individually priced*
    6" $7,500.00 Individually priced*
    8" $10,000.00 Individually priced*


    * Price will be based on the cost of the meter, parts, and labor.

     The "meter set only" fee covers only delivery of the meter and tightening the connections to the existing setter by city personnel. This fee is unavailable if anything other than meter-set work is required or requested. In such cases, the regular applicable "meter set and tap" fee will apply.

     The "meter set and tap" fee covers the costs of: excavating and tapping the main, furnishing and installing service pipe from the main to the lot line; or any other work required for connection and setting the meter.

    The above fees are applicable only if the water main is on the same side of the road as meter service.


    If the meter service is on the other side of the city street, there will be a street bore charge added. Boring charges are available from the city upon request.


    If the service crosses a state highway or county road, there will be a bore and encasement charge added. Boring and encasement charges are available upon request.

( Ord. No. 2006-2, § 5 ; Ord. No. 2006-46, §§ 1, 2 ; Ord. No. 2009-16, § 1 ; Ord. No. 2010-18, § 1 ; Ord. No. 2011-25, § 1 ; Ord. No. 2011-29, §§ 1—5 ; Ord. No. 2015-5 , § 1(3)—(10), 1-27-2015; Ord. No. 2018-09 , §§ 1—8, 3-27-2018)